Each year around this time, gift card demand builds, culminating in a torrent of orders in last few weeks leading up to the holidays. Call it human nature, procrastination, or short-term thinking, but delivering a winning gift card design takes time, and the best time to start thinking about your holiday gift card needs is now.
Beat the Rush!
These days, many retailers begin their holiday marketing immediately after Halloween in the United States, and sometimes earlier. With the growing popularity of gift cards, this means higher gift card manufacturing demand and potential delays for those retailers who wait to place their holiday gift card orders. When you factor in gift card design time, it becomes clear that the best time to put a new holiday gift card into production is closer to the middle of the year than the end of it.
Get in the Spirit
If you expect customers to purchase gift cards as holiday gifts for friends and family, why not make them look like holiday gifts? There’s no rule that says your gift cards have to look the same all year long, or any time of the year for that matter. Why offer a generic product when you can create a gift card design that captures the holiday spirit? Order more than you need, and be ready to roll next year.
Wrap it up Nice
Gift bag, gift box, gift wrap. Whatever your choice, a gift really isn’t a gift until it’s wrapped up nice. There are many different gift card packaging options, from sleeves to carriers to boxes, all of which can be customized for your brand. Tailor your gift card packaging to match your card designs, providing a complete, branded and cohesive gift-giving option to customers.
Design Time
For some retailers — especially independents — designing a gift card can be unfamiliar territory. Don’t worry. There are a lot of options to suit your time frame and budget. In most cases, your best option is to create a custom gift card design, and these days you don’t need to find a local designer. Online design portfolios like Behance, Dribble, and 99 Designs make it easy to find a top-notch designer anywhere in the world. Your gift card printer may also provide affordable gift card design services, along with predesigned cards that can save you both time and money.